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RD: "Was fun till Sunny" |
RD wanted to wait things out for a few days due to current events. That took longer than expected.
Then Blade got a brutal ear infection. That didn't help either.
Driven to the brink and at the last minute, they decide to cut their losses and record now. It technically still counts as June, right?
According to their (barnyard) logic, if King Kong Bundy always insisted on a 5-count for his matches, then Hulk Hogan should have always kicked out at 4.
Blade has a habit of bowling with smoke bombs on July 4th. (:08) RD: "Thanks for explaining how the calendar works."
Thus, today's pressed for time radio progrem consists of the two just going through eBay auctions (keyword 'wcw'). (:14) Blade wants to search by proximity for some reason despite being in no condition to perform.
- Blade: Three Sting figures for $38.50 (all prices are USD).
- A 1999 DDP with magnetic grip.
- RD: An 8 inch 1997 Sting.
- Random computer games including WCW Nitro and something called "Airplanes" which is actually a demo disc for Wings of Glory (produced by Warren Spector!). RD rightfully calls it a ripoff.
- Blade: A $10 Goldberg VHS tape.
- RD: 61 figures for $195.
- 53 figures with DVDs (do any of them contain Goldberg?)
- A $98 1993 Sid Vicious figure. A "mountain of muscle" with half the brain that you do.
- Blade: A figure of Jimmy Hart in a yellow suit masquerading as Hulk Hogan.
- A vibrating Scott Hall figure infested with fleas.
- RD: 10 miles from his house (but with free shipping): A rain-covered baby carrier.
- VHS tapes for $45.
- A tape of Wrestlewar '89 for $19.
- Blade: 30 miles from his trailer: Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit masquerading as D-X.
- More vibrating figures of Andre the Giant and Kevin Nash.
- RD: Scott Hall with Toad shaped chest hair.
- A "loose" Fabulous Moolah (but does she vibrate?).
- Blade: 50 miles from his trailer: A Fall Brawl / WarGames 1995 Snapback hat for the low low price of $130.
- "Sold Cut" Kevin Nash (no word on if he's portrayed by a fake Diesel).
- RD found a seller of autographed cards. He makes Blade guess some of their prices (for 2014). Stan Lane: $17. Kevin von Erich: $35. Booker T: $9. Eric Bischoff: $20. "James E. Cornette": $38 (Does not come with sexual harassment as illustrated). Terri Runnels: $20 (Does not come with handgun or scam house as illustrated). A Konnan scribble: $11. Dennis Condrey: "only" $9. A Ryan Shamrock illustration where Blade thinks her nose is too unhealthily red: $20.
- Blade: $12000 for a "bundle" of video wrestling footage.
- RD: 75¢ auction for "1991 Championship Marketing WCW #10 Sid Vicious Wrestling Card" with the man tied down with plastic. He bids on it.
- $1 1995 Jerry Sags with a picture of Brian Knobbs.
- Blade: $9999.99 + $5 shipping MINT 9 1988 Lex Luger rookie card.
- $8000 for a sealed VHS "private collection". Includes a German version of Road Wild '96, or as they call it, "Wild in Sturgis '96". RD sneezes as his bid.
- $7500 1995 WCW Main event Nasty Boys rookie card.
- RD: 99¢ Hollywood & Vine as Steve Austin. He wants to put that on one of his coasters.
- $1.69 1999 Brian Knobbs card.
- Blade: $5500 WrestleMania 6 Bobby Heenan Jacket.
- $5000 GEM-MT 10 Kimberly Page rookie card.
Since they're on the subject, the two then look for Tam stuff (to have fun with).
- Blade: $1500 for a "superstars 1 of 100" figure. This is the highest priced.
- The next item is $800 (also a superstars figure).
- Then $500 (ditto).
- Then $320 for a WWF 1998 Calendar CD that Blade already has.
- Then $130 for a "Sunny & Sid Ahmed Johnson Signed WWF WWE 1997 Bend-Ems Action Figure Set".
- RD: There is no Sunny within 95 miles of his house (thankfully). 165 miles from his house: A 1998 "Get Pumped" Deadstock shirt for $200.
- A 1996 Sunny Days print ad for a life management program for $2.30. RD: "I don't want her in charge of anything."
- A $5 Sunny in Chains photo from Australia.
- A 1996 Sunny Daze Collection print ad for $8.
- A completed listing from Fort Mitchell, Kentucky for an "Absolutely Sunny" shirt. Sold on the 13th for $50 despite the lack of a chin.
Blade: "Pretend I'm your father."
RD does the Haiku since Blade is still in no condition to perform:
What a show this was.
To be honest, was not bad.
Was fun till Sunny.
$32.50 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)
- WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Patreon, wrestlecrapradio.com, What Ganon Is Up To
- URLs not taken: 1. Smokebombbowling.com
- Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
- Blade’s Poor Performance Excuse: Worst ear infection of all time.
- Phone Calls & Run Ins: 0.
- Mama’s Broken Damn, Damn, Damn Dishes: 3
- Blade Time Outs: 4 (1 Real Quick)
RD Time Outs: 1 (Wait a second)
- Krankor Laughs: 1
- RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 2
- Weird Al Laughs: 1
- Cricket Chirps: 1
- Question of the Week from: N/A
- WrestleCrap 3 Count: N/A
- Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Under the weather Blade reaches to RD for the hot tag on the haiku this week: What a show this was.
To be honest, was not bad.
Was fun till Sunny.