Episode 29: Test Flavor 29: May 26, 2014

You know what that means?...
70 minutes

Blade remembers Colonel Bob Parker, called by his friend "worse than Fantasy Booking Island".

RD threatens us with more guest appearances. (:05) He makes it for it by being troubled by thinking about Scott Steiner on "GrapplePoop Radio".

Sad News: RD does not have an Instagram page. (:10) He's not missing out on much.

Blade has found a third Co-Hosss. He is also in another 'horror movie'. I believe I may have mentioned it earlier. He promptly forgets about that to talk about an old and terrible Survivor Series and Sunny misspelling his name that one time.

Blade humors the masses with more Doritos. He is worried by some competition they would be having for Star Wars Episode VII involving lots of balls. (:18 - :25) He is trying their three "Jacked" flavors today. Test Flavor Red 855 (not toll free) taste like spicier Taco Doritos. Test Flavor Yellow 404 (file not found) taste like Japanese Mountain Dew Doritos. And Blue Flavor 2653 (nursing home's laundry room) smell burnt and taste terrible. RD terms them Factory Floor flavored.

RD went to an HD drive-in to confuse Blade about his age and Marathon Bars. (:35)

RD is no fan of Legends' House. (:39) He pitches ideas for other (better) shows. The lady named Ashley (not Massaro) on the show intrigues RD greatly. (And no wonder, she's a Pussycat Doll.



You know Blade is drunk when he ruins his own jokes. (:46) But at least it's more entertaining than TNA and its "Clown Show", according to RD. SPEAKING OF Clowns, Bray Wyatt has an LED lantern. (:49) Perhaps he's being environmentally friendly.

Sad News: Mickie James is pregnant. (:50) Sadder News: The Sad News Music does not work. Even Sadder News: Blade cannot count. Saddest News: Blade does not make his requisite joke. You know what that means...

Blade: "This is making me look really bad."

Velvet Sky is of an indeterminate age, as is a bunch of other women. (:55)

Jim Ross calls in to make Blade laugh some more. (:57) They are sadly not going to this year's Days of the Dead so he distracts them with his new venture of perfecting his meat beating through boxing commentating or whatever it is he usually does. He gives them an example of his work. Sadly at no point does Iron MARK Tyson call in, which is all you need to know about this little bit.

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 7. PyroandBallyhoo.com, YvonneCraigBikiniParty.com, Girl Who Played With the Dead movie premiere, Skyline Movie Drive In, Tuesday Night Fights, USA Network, Child’s Play 3
  • URLs not taken: 2. GrapplePoop.com, FourDoinks.com

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Jim
  • F-Bombs: 1. Blade
  • Blade Time Outs: 9 (1 Real Quick)
  • RD Time Outs:  1
  • Jim Time Outs: 1
  • Entertain the People: 1
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku: Legends House is Must Not See TV:
    RD reviews Legends House.
    Network not worth it without
    Tuesday Night Titans!
Or: Mickie’s with child, Blades hog not wild:
Mickie is pregnant!
Who will Blade lust over now?
Vel Sky’s the limit!

WCR Video: Take on Don...Don Mason

Did you know that Don...Dona Mason was in a a-ha music video? ...Well not quite. But here's the uncharismatic enigmas' "take" on "Take On Me" here on (to quote Mike Check) THE WHACKER!

(Video by Blade Braxton)

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

Episode 28: Vince Russo 3D: May 5, 2014

This says it all.
97 minutes

[Note: Seeing as how there wasn't much from my end to write and I was too tired to think up anything for this particular progrem, Kai picked up things from there. For fun, try to guess which parts are his and which are mine.]

Vince Russo is on the show on his own volition for the third time despite Blade's attempts to chase him off. Unlike the first time (all about wrestling), and the second (all not about wrestling), this go about is more in the middle.

The Co-Fruitcakes first talk to Vince about his Big Announcement.........that he apparently has a website of his own now. (Which is also taken under THIS URL too.) Yep, that's it. Were you expecting something else?

In light of Vince's new nostalgia website, the Co-Fruitcakes talk wrestling nostalgia for the first half hour, where Vince mentions that he would only order the WWE network if Tuesday Night Titans was available, especially the episodes featuring Fuji Vice. (:5). They also talk about the time he wrote for WWF Magazine and almost left to go to WCW in the mid-90's after he found out that there were plans for Jim Neidhart's alter-ego "WHO" to get a tag team partner called "WHAT". Yes, really. (:30)

To appease the 12 listeners, current wrestling is briefly mentioned where Vince talks about his opinion of Bray Wyatt (not "WHAT") and Daniel Bryan (feel better now?) (:48). But talk then turns to Vince's time when he and his cop buddy would shake down people for their late returned video tapes. Good times! (Except for the customer.) He then spends what seems like 6 hours talking about his love for the the VHS and 8-track tape (especially his Barbra Streisand one) (:54).

The gloves are off when Vince and Blade "debate" over KISS's induction in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Vince thinks that the current line-up is a "cover band" and that only the original four should be inducted (:76). The show finishes off where Vince plugs his website pyroandballyhoo.com again and talks about 1966 Batman, Kimye and Tiny Tim (:86).

Oh, I almost forgot! There may have been a mention about Vince NOT currently working for TNA and NOT currently being under contract with any wrestling company (:43), but nobody wants to know about that, eh? [Edit - July 15: Oops! -RVMKai] [Edit Edit - July 31: Well, I guess it's now true as of today at least? -RVMKai]

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2. WrestleCrap.com, PyroandBallyhoo.com
  • SPEAKING OFs: 2. Big, being an old fart

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Vince Russo, Tiny Tim
  • RD Time Outs:  1
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku:
    Russo interview.
    A fight with Blade over KISS?
    That’s money right there!

WCR Video: Minisode Flashback #146: Mike Check at a Star Wars Convention

With today being "Star Wars Day", did ole Mike Check ever tell you fellers about the time he did a remote at the Star Wars Convention for Wrestlecrap Radio where he unfortunately met Jake Lloyd Junior (from episode #146; 05.22.2009)?

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives, and for more WCR Minisodes click here!