Episode 27: Generic Music Wrestling: April 23, 2014

In Stereo Where Available
47 minutes

((( NOT recorded in high phone-buzzing over-modulated fidelity )))

RD searches for more Betsy Russell, much to Blade's happiness. (He's friends with her on Facebook, you see.)

RD's mute button doesn't work. (:08)

The two have been podcasting for close to 9 years now. This makes Blade call himself George Washington for some reason, if he was working construction instead of chopping down cherry trees. (:11) RD has ideas for on-the-job ear protection which does not involve sticking paper in the ear like Blade does.

Blade: "I'm a piece of garbage."

RD is a fan of Steve Austin's (new) podcasts because he thinks he's doing an impression of Blade. (:16) Meanwhile their Jim Ross has taken over the OG JR's podcast (The Ross Report). (:19)

Blade had a bad experience with the WCW Hotline AKA Late Night With Jim Ross.

RD calls Diamond Dan's Hotline. (:24) Remember, that's 317 335 4688. Again, 317 335 HOTT.

TNA has a TV deal...in Italy. Because it's definitely a wrestling powerhouse country that can't show WWE over there or anything. (:26) Things have gotten so bad that Jeff Jarrett had abandoned it to create "Global Force Wrestling" (:28) RD wants Global Internet Greg to hack into their 'Database'. Blade would rather watch Captain Planet, poor bastard.

RD admits that Blade was right for once, in that he cannot watch Generic Music ECW on the WWE Network. (:36) He's 'watching' Legends House though and can't believe how fake it all is. (:41)

Vince Russo is to make a three-peat appearance next week because he has a Big Announcement to make. (:45)

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2. Tomboy, Diamond Dan Hotline

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 4. Diamond Dan, Vince McMahon, Chris Beavers Jr., Tito Santana
  • Entertain the People:  1
Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku:
TNA in Italy?
Looking forward to Dixie’s
Euro Trash Wrestling.

WCR Video: Wrestlecrap vs Demento (Part 9: FYBA Championship Showdown!)

This was the final showdown that Damien Demento threatened wrestlecrap.com never to air. So sit back and watch the epic battle for the FYBA Championship between WrestleCrap's Blade Braxton and Damien Dem...I mean "Dependo".

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video: Wrestlecrap vs Demento (Part 8: Blade's [Pipe]Bombshell)

By early 2010, Damien Demento announced that he had apparently retired from making anymore YouTube videos. Which meant no more nonsensical rambling in Youtube shoots...like this one (the only one of Demento shoots that we could find) for instance:

And although Demento had threatened legal action & even violence against the Wrestlecrap crew against the airing of their secret climactic battle, Blade Braxton "breaks kayfabe" & announces that he would show the secret footage to the entire world:

...So don't miss the final installment, that's Part 10 of "Wrestlecrap vs Demento", for the epic boxing showdown between Blade Braxton & Damien "Dependo" next time on "this here wrestlecrapradio site"!

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

(Episode 26/427:) Hobo On The Range: April 1, 2014

Something tells me that I don't want to smell what Blade is cooking?
21 minutes

This week, echoing cooking maestro Blade Braxton entertains Stubby's, Nintendo John's, and Sir Alec's audiences as he shows the proper way to make a five layer Parmesan cheesecake, ramen noodle chicken tacos, and Capri-Sun popsicles.

This Week's Guest: Wrestlecrap.com's RD Reynolds has a new book coming out this year. He loves cheesecake, despite his initial reservations about Blade's cooking skills. "Do you have any idea what a cheesecake actually is?" he asks before attempting to gulp it down. The majority of his throwing up is (thankfully?) covered by a tornado warning. (:17)

Don Mason Fact Of The Week: Don used some of his signature Cock Sauce to put that special kick in his recipes.

Blade: "You can't spell OH BOY without spelling HOBO."

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • April Fools
  • Hobo On The Range Sponsors: 4. Old Milwaukee Beer, The Death of WCW book, Kroger, Capri Sun

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 4. R.D. Reynolds, National Weather Service, News Anchor, Peter
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku:
    Hobo on the Range.
    How do you get salmonella
    from ramen noodles?

WCR Video: Wrestlecrap vs Demento (Part 77 & a 1/2 : Wrestle-MAT Radio)


...Now back to our WCR Video:

In Part 10 of WCR Videos 88 part series: After Damien Demento defeated both R.D. Reynolds and Blade Braxton in a "Shoulder Pads On A Pole Match". The victorious Demento earned the right to take over Wrestlecrap Radio, Deal and Blade were never heard from again...

...okay, that didn't really happen. But Damien Demento did in fact host the 2010 "April Fools" edition of Wrestlecrap Radio (episode #171), which he re-named "Wrestlemat Radio". Here it is in it's entirety...

...or not?

(by wcrminisodes)

Edit: Wait! But there was a boxing match? And this was supposed to be part 8 you say?!? Well, stay tuned for (the real) Part 9 next time on wrestlecrapradio.com...or wrestlecrapradio.blogspot.com....or whatever it's called the time that you're reading this!

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!