(Originally posted July 3 2014, and edited January 31 2015)
For those who don't know, Raging_Demons and I (R.V.M Kai) have been helping Mike Check and his daughter with song ideas for THE MIKE CHECK SHOW'S "Love On The Ropes Month" (cheap plug). Well Raging_Demons, after looking for 80's song "Waiting For A Star To Fall" (which will probably be played on "THE MACKER" tomorrow...assuming you're reading this today), posted a music video on his Twitter (last July) of this generic dance remix of that song that he found, as ole Mike would say, "Fascinating".
Well, speaking of 'generic dance knock-offs of 80's songs', did you know that Don Mason (yes, I'm talking about Don...Don Mason) was in the music video of "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz, a remix of the song "Valerie" by Steve Winwood? Don't believe me? Well here's video proof here on, as Mike would say, THE WHACKER!
(Video by decodedfromspace)
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
Episode 34: Tensomething: January 15, 2015
RD reads the series synopsis for Thirtysomething.
The radio progrem is to be 10 years old. WrestleCrap is to be 15.
Blade wants a cop tag team named Cop-A-Feel with a guy named Pat Down. Unfortunately he is 20 years too late.
RD feels someone is rigging the Gooker voting. Someone get the Supreme Court on the case, stat. (:07) The current leader, some (always) bad Diva antics, are being threatened by a suspicious surge of Vince knocking down his talent for not letting him knock them down enough. RD is leaning towards having both entries win and induct them both.
RD: "Is TNA still around?"
Sad News: Blade makes a sad joke and the Crickets are not there to reply to him.
Blade is still angry that the Lions were cheated out of the playoffs by those evil Cowboys. (:13) While I sympathize with his plight (both with pitying the Lions and hating the Cowboys like everybody else does)...they were still going to get beat by the Packers anyway. So better now than later then. If it helps, here's a guy mercilessly beating the Cowboys in an attempt to beat Emmitt Smith's all-time rushing record on Madden NFL.
Sad News: the Zombie Tim Roberts is no longer with us. For real. This isn't a work or anything; he's not faking his death to return as a Zombie and moan for your pleasure. He is actually deceased. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones. (:17)
:19 The HorseTrolla tells us Mickie James is engaged to Magnus, father of Dawn Magnus. The duo watch an old fight of hers where the announcers do a Bizarro Daniel Bryan impression. Also she once used an "ancient" dildo in the ring.
:33 Christy Hemme has given birth, though not with that TV stalker that one time of hers. Blade is spot on with peoples' ages. According to he Anne Frank starred in One Day at a Time.
:44 Stephanie has a workout tape. Blade remembers the good old days of Paul Orndoff in an old school ad. The duo discuss the awfulness that is Illegal Aliens.
:48 Sunny is angry on Twitter for people calling her a streetwalker for some reason. Gee, I wonder why. This involves beef with Ashley Massaro for some reason.
:59 People are still in an uproar that Hulk Hogan is inducting Randy Savage into the WWE Hall of Fame, which is taken as seriously as calling Sunny a Hall of Famer (see what I did there?). Blade presses random buttons on his phone in anger.
RD loves WWE's new Wrestlemania Limited Edition Pinball Machine because of the Legends on it. Jim Ross calls in to vent his frustration of not appearing on it. (:74) He tried to create a life sized poster of himself to attract children to his restaurant. This causes Blade to laugh uncontrollably. He wants to open a new restaurant in Japan.
Seventeen Syllables for that:
Demolition Axe.
Demolition Axe and Smash
Better be on Raw.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)
- The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2. WrestleCrap.com, Absorbing Junior
- SPEAKING OFs: 1. NFL screw jobs
- Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Jim
- F-Bombs: 1. Jim
Blade Time Outs: 5 (1 Real Quick)
- Entertain the People: 1
- Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade has an Ultimatum for Raw Reunion this week:Demolition Axe.Demolition Axe and SmashBetter be on Raw.
- Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku:
Tammy bitchin’,Angry Jim pitchin’; seems likedeja vu...again!
WCR Video: RIP Tim Roberts (AKA The ECW Zombie)
We at wrestlecrapradio.blogspot.com are saddened to learn that Tim Roberts, who wrestled as Tim Arson, is no longer with us. For those who don't know, Tim was the wrestler who made that infamous one-time appearance as The "ECW Zombie" at WWE's re-launch of ECW back in 2006. The Zombie's promo, which pretty much consisted of him screaming "ARRRRRGGHHHHHH!", even became one of our favorite WCR sound-bites. He was also the main topic of episode #30 of Wrestlecrap Radio, and for those who missed it, here's the "Minisode" from that show from June 16, 2006:
RD Reynolds even conducted an interview with Tim for WCR but it was never broadcast due to technical difficulties (Deal forgot to press "record"?). However, a second attempt was made three years later and RD even got a "Trip to The Grocery" story out of him for episode #150 (July 17, 2009):
(Video by J Freek)
RIP Tim Roberts (1976-2015). Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones.
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
RD Reynolds even conducted an interview with Tim for WCR but it was never broadcast due to technical difficulties (Deal forgot to press "record"?). However, a second attempt was made three years later and RD even got a "Trip to The Grocery" story out of him for episode #150 (July 17, 2009):
(Video by J Freek)
RIP Tim Roberts (1976-2015). Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones.
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
♪Gooker-Gooker Time is Here.♪
Oh joy. My honest opinion, and this is my opinion since this is Raging_Demons here kiddies, is that this time of the year we should get The Chipmunks to sing us a song about this oh so joyous occasion.
What occasion you say?
Well first of all if your saying anything while reading this blog post you must have some sort of mental condition but enough of that you geeks, nerds, and poindexters. We are talking about...
The 2014 Gooker Nominations are out! Wrestlecrap.com's widely known recognizable reward for the worst in wrestling for angles/storylines/feuds or what now. RSPW? Nope. Dave Meltzer? Dave Meltzer probably not talking about carnie hating twins (or something like that?) Its The Gooker.
So what did 2014 stink up this time around? Here are YOUR Nominations.
1. The Summer Rae/Layla/Fandango Love Triangle of Indifference: Once upon a time not so long ago Fandango was huge! Fandago debuted with a win over Chris Jericho on a Wrestlemania, he was a meme, I mean he was big! Gabby Hayes big! Put him with an Un-Diva named Layla & a piece of plastic and you got crap.
2. Adam Rose vs The Bunny: Remember when we thought we liked Adam Rose, then we hated him because he stole The Midnight Rose's gimmick, then some dude in a Bunny costume got more famous than him (rumor that its the same Bunny that competed in the APA Bar Room Brawl is still inconclusive). Now we have Adam Rose feuding with The Bunny and nobody cares.
3. Return of The RAW Co-Hosts: Grumpy Cat? Hota & Kathy Lee? Yeah I'll pass.
4. "The Stalker" Sam Shaw: Stalker gimmicks are never good. Go ask Barry Windham or DDP about that. Now rookie Sam Shaw becomes the new stalker and takes things way creepy. Hell I had fun with that gimmick with Sam Shaw over on Twitter and it was no bueno.
5. Bella vs Bella: My personal choice there. The Bella's are probably the worse Divas ever in WWE. They can't wrestle & now they prove they can't act by doing this nonsensical feud as filler until Daniel Bryan comes back. Once again WWE proves that if a woman goes down on her knees no matter how awful a performer you are (yes I'm taking to you Nikki Bella) you will get a push from hell!
6. Vince McMahon's Live Interview on "The Steve Austin Podcast": This one interview, at the time a cross-promotional stunt for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's podcast & the WWE Network proved to literally destroy the roster from an emotional standpoint how Vince sees his stars. If you think I'm wrong go listen to it yourself.
7. How the 2014 Royal Rumble was booked: Daniel Bryan not in the main event? A returning Batista winning The Royal Rumble Match?

8. The Menagerie: Take former "Aces & 8s" member Knux, add Christy Hemme's best friend Rebel, throw in Rob Terry in a mask & a crazy clown named "Crazzy Steve" (because you can't be crazy without saying he's "Crazy" or have 2 z's in your name I guess) & you got...a lot of shots of Rebel in jean shorts.
9. Jeff Hardy as "Willow": Jeff Hardy re-packages himself as some guy in a mask with a thing for umbrellas & jibberish.
10. The Return Of Claire Lynch!: Claire Lynch was so popular, I mean it did win the 2012 Gooker, for being so horrible WWE decided to rip that off for The Authority's feud with Daniel Bryan last year. Not only that was such a bad idea but when that happened "Claire Lynch" was trending again on Twitter due to the fact that WWE copied it!
There you go. 10 piles of fecal matter. Which one deserves The Gooker? Click on the link to voice your opinion.
What occasion you say?
Well first of all if your saying anything while reading this blog post you must have some sort of mental condition but enough of that you geeks, nerds, and poindexters. We are talking about...
The 2014 Gooker Nominations are out! Wrestlecrap.com's widely known recognizable reward for the worst in wrestling for angles/storylines/feuds or what now. RSPW? Nope. Dave Meltzer? Dave Meltzer probably not talking about carnie hating twins (or something like that?) Its The Gooker.
So what did 2014 stink up this time around? Here are YOUR Nominations.
1. The Summer Rae/Layla/Fandango Love Triangle of Indifference: Once upon a time not so long ago Fandango was huge! Fandago debuted with a win over Chris Jericho on a Wrestlemania, he was a meme, I mean he was big! Gabby Hayes big! Put him with an Un-Diva named Layla & a piece of plastic and you got crap.
2. Adam Rose vs The Bunny: Remember when we thought we liked Adam Rose, then we hated him because he stole The Midnight Rose's gimmick, then some dude in a Bunny costume got more famous than him (rumor that its the same Bunny that competed in the APA Bar Room Brawl is still inconclusive). Now we have Adam Rose feuding with The Bunny and nobody cares.
3. Return of The RAW Co-Hosts: Grumpy Cat? Hota & Kathy Lee? Yeah I'll pass.
4. "The Stalker" Sam Shaw: Stalker gimmicks are never good. Go ask Barry Windham or DDP about that. Now rookie Sam Shaw becomes the new stalker and takes things way creepy. Hell I had fun with that gimmick with Sam Shaw over on Twitter and it was no bueno.
5. Bella vs Bella: My personal choice there. The Bella's are probably the worse Divas ever in WWE. They can't wrestle & now they prove they can't act by doing this nonsensical feud as filler until Daniel Bryan comes back. Once again WWE proves that if a woman goes down on her knees no matter how awful a performer you are (yes I'm taking to you Nikki Bella) you will get a push from hell!
6. Vince McMahon's Live Interview on "The Steve Austin Podcast": This one interview, at the time a cross-promotional stunt for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's podcast & the WWE Network proved to literally destroy the roster from an emotional standpoint how Vince sees his stars. If you think I'm wrong go listen to it yourself.
7. How the 2014 Royal Rumble was booked: Daniel Bryan not in the main event? A returning Batista winning The Royal Rumble Match?

8. The Menagerie: Take former "Aces & 8s" member Knux, add Christy Hemme's best friend Rebel, throw in Rob Terry in a mask & a crazy clown named "Crazzy Steve" (because you can't be crazy without saying he's "Crazy" or have 2 z's in your name I guess) & you got...a lot of shots of Rebel in jean shorts.
9. Jeff Hardy as "Willow": Jeff Hardy re-packages himself as some guy in a mask with a thing for umbrellas & jibberish.
10. The Return Of Claire Lynch!: Claire Lynch was so popular, I mean it did win the 2012 Gooker, for being so horrible WWE decided to rip that off for The Authority's feud with Daniel Bryan last year. Not only that was such a bad idea but when that happened "Claire Lynch" was trending again on Twitter due to the fact that WWE copied it!
There you go. 10 piles of fecal matter. Which one deserves The Gooker? Click on the link to voice your opinion.
WCR Video: The Don Mason "HG" Boogie
Global Force Wrestling presents New Japan's Wrestle Kingdom 9 on PPV today (with English commentary provided by Angry Jim's "real-life" alter-ego) and in trying to find a "Japanese" related WCR Video, I stumbled upon another Don...Don Mason dance parody (Gladly NOT translated into English by "Angry Jim"). How does Don relate to Japan you ask? Well, I'll let this video (that let's just say: would make "Gay Popeye" proud) speak for itself:
(Video by LannysPermJuice)
Edit: Speaking of "Gay Popeye", he has even mentioned this video on The Mike Check Show and it seems that he's a littlez "HG" for ole Mike (*shudders*).
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
(Video by LannysPermJuice)
Edit: Speaking of "Gay Popeye", he has even mentioned this video on The Mike Check Show and it seems that he's a littlez "HG" for ole Mike (*shudders*).
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!