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List by Erik Majorwitz (as found here)
R.D. Reynolds finally pays up on his Pro Bowl bet, from when, the boys don't know, but believe it was from 2004 or 1983.
Special Guests: "Angry" Jim Ross, Satan, BM Punk, Randy Baer, Troy Ferguson, and Glen Danzig w/ impostors
I've Something to Say #1: Me and Gay Popeye were doing some Han Solo and Gweedo role play in bed last night. I shoot first, if you know what I mean.
I've Something to Say #2: Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair is probably something that has sparked more discussions and disagreement between avid wrestling fans than anything else. To be honest, I'd anally rape them both.
I've Something to Say #3: When the Big Show chokeslammed me, the feeling of being touched by his "bowling ball" like hands gave me a raging hard on.
I've Something to Say #4: Ohh, you're hurting me Gay Popeye! Use lube next time.
I've Something to Say #5: Big country booty, big country booby, booyah! (censored) ???
I've Something to Say #6: Don...Don Mason is correct. It does come bubbling back on you.
I've Something to Say #7: The baby batter in my bladder makes me fatter.
I've Something to Say #8: You've got mail! Everytime AOL would tell me that, I daydreamed about receiving a girthy penis in my in box.
I've Something to Say #9: General Solo, is your Mon Mothma anal strike team assembled?
I've Something to Say #10: Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, want to take a ride on your disco stick? don't think to much, just but that lick, I want to take a ride on your disco stick. Hut!
I've Something to Say #11: Phenomable. Phenomable woman. Phenomable woman. That is me.
I've Something to Say #12: I really love the taste of Linda McMahon's vagina juice.
I've Something to Say #13: I once faked palsy in 1993 so I could ride shotgun on the Lex Express.
I've Something to Say #14: You know what the wrestling business has been missing lately? Tassles. ???
I've Something to Say #15: I want to see a sex tape with Iscises the Amazon and Nicole Bass.
I've Something to Say #16: And to answer that age old question Bailey or Jennifer from WKRP, I'd go with Jennifer. If only to have sweet, sweet incest with Aunt Lonnie.
I've Something to Say #17: Last Friday, I was alone in the house and decided to get out a trash bag and start trash bagging it. I must say that I enjoyed it. Yes oh yes, I R.D. Reynolds love to trash bag.
I've Something to Say #18: Awesome Kong maybe in the WWE, but she can show me that TNA anytime.
I've Something to Say #19: That's way the pants cookie crumbles.
I've Something to Say #20: I fart ass milk. ???
I've Something to Say #21: I am a magical fairy man. I like ponies, flowers, boy bands, and wearing pink ribbons in my hair.
I've Something to Say #22: That kid, that kid is back on the escalator again.
I've Something to Say #23: I'm jealous of Stubby because he gets fisted by Blade on a regular basis.
I've Something to Say #24: My own personal version of Heaven is watch nothingRusso-lead WCW while eating alien ham and ham Doritos and washing it down with Captain Crunch milkshake. Also, my other nickname besides The Deal is Bluto So yes, I am Gay Popeye's lover.
I've Something to Say #25: You can have your Jerry Rices, your Michael Irvins, your Art Monks, your Steve Largents, and Calvin Johnsons Blade, but the most sure handed wide receiver in NFL history is Hank Baskett
I've Something to Say #26: The Road Warrior Animal pregnancy without panties angle will never be mentioned again.
I've Something to Say #27: Hey Jim Boy, y'all ever had a real Georgia style mint julip?
I've Something to Say #28: I would spend all my money at Dennys where all the eggs were cooked on Sunny's labia.
I've Something to Say #30: Dr. Robert Q. Sidelman is the sexiest man alive.
I've Something to Say #31: I've had to do this whole show standing up because Gay Popeye came over last night to play my custom cornhole game.
I've Something to Say #32: Blade you will have to excuse me, Mexican night has caused me to come down with a terrible case of the runs. The tacos, burritos, quesdillas, and taquitos have resulted in me having to paint my toilet bowl all shades of brown. (farting noises)
I've Something to Say #33: I think that Curtis Painter youngster doesnt get the respect he deserves. Screw you Peyton Manning!
I've Something to Say #34: The swear jar windfall will be shoved up my anus.
I've Something to Say #35: Ms Deal, get Ian Rotten on the phone right now!
I've Something to Say #36: Did I ever tell you about the time the Bushwackers licked me on the head. Not the one about my shoulders.
I've Something to Say #37: I've often been fantasized by being double teamed by the American Males or maybe totally buff. As long as Marcus Bagwell is involved I'm down, if you know what I mean.
I've Something to Say #38: I'll bet Gay Popeye can't deep throat.
I've Something to Say #39: Hello, my name is Gwen, I'm here to wash your vagina.
I've Something to Say #40: I spend my day working hard on the go, but the hand on the clock keeps spinning too slow. I can't wait to be alone with my funk sock tonight. Turn the lights down bolt the door.
I've Something to Say #41: No means yes, yes means anal.
I've Something to Say #42: Tiny things please tiny minds and when a thing is this tiny it would be hard to please anybody.
I've Something to Say #43: Blade I know how much you like talking about firm buttocks and massive knobs, did I ever tell you about the massive orgy of 1975 where yours truely was involved. I was so off it that night and I only had two drinks and one wasn't alcohol. I came across two women and a man and that was before the night.
I've Something to Say #44: I would love to try Don...Don Mason's caramel topping on me.
I've Something to Say #45: Everytime I hear "Angry" Jim's voice I grow alittle in size, if you know what I mean.
I've Something to Say #46: My first love broke my heart for the first time. I was like oh baby, baby. Thought you'd always be mine mine. Baby baby O... Too stupid to type sorry.
I've Something to Say #47: I'm a big fan of Reptilian Ric Flair.
I've Something to Say #48: I wish I could be in the middle of a human centipede of Gay Popeye and Nicole Bass.
I've Something to Say #49: Dr. Feelgood parody
I've Something to Say #50: Chickedy Chyna, wanna get that vagina, freak like Steiner.
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