WCR Video: RD & Blade Interactive: Scott Steiner's Freak Show Workout

RD Reynolds, along with the "Shakira to his Midajah", Blade Braxton, aired a couple of audio clips from the recent Wrestlecrap.com induction of "Scott Steiner's Freak Show: The Big Poppa Pump Workout" on The RD and Blade Show (ep #37, May 27 2015). So I decided to upload the "niiiice" visuals to go along with the audio (...that I "borrowed" from a YouTube review of the DVD).

(By R.V.M Kai)

If you want to see "The Big Bad Booty Daddy's" full workout video, featuring more of Steiner's workout methods; which include him doing lifts with logs and with girls on his shoulders; go buy the DVD here.

Edit: Speaking of bodybuilding videos with unnecessary sexual innuendos; the star of "Pumping Iron" will be invading The Mike Check Show as the "T-800 Terminator" in July.

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video: TAAOBB IV - Goldon... Don Mason Showers

LannysPermJuice, one of Wrestlecrap's Radio's 12 Listeners, has created many of our favorite WCR Videos. This included some "fascinating" cartoons of Blade Braxton using the website Goanimate.com. A few years ago, (*cue sad news music*) it seemed that Lanny had disappeared off the face of the earth, as there were no longer any new videos posted on his YouTube page. That was until earlier this week when I discovered this Tweet from Blade's Twitter page:

And now all is right in the world!

 (Video by Lannette P Juicington)

For more Cartoons click here. And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video: A Tribute To Blade Braxton

Since Blade Braxton will replace his former cell phone & record his voice with a new headset on The RD & Blade Show, here's a video tribute to the end of "Tin Can and String Blade" aka "Hobo Blade" (see glossary). This video features the song; "Tell Me A Lie", that was also heard at the end of Episode #37.

Warning: Watching this video may cause you to "lose your smile" and will definitely "bring a tear to Robert Gibson's glass eye".

(Video by LannysPermJuice)

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!