(Disclaimer Disclaimer: The views expressed by Angry Jim are his own & do not reflect the opinions of Wrestlecrapradio.com.)
(Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer: Despite being a rather...strange man, he's been rather helpful in self-censoring himself. Say what you want about him, but he IS still a WWE employee after all. At least, he is this week. - PB)
How ya doin' tonight nerds!
My first "Mailbag" was written just before the last Wrestlecrap Radio aired and haven’t commented on it, since unlike that f** Bischoff, I don’t give away spoilers! I’d just like to take this time to say to Deal and Blade...Go eat a d***! I’m glad your show ended! It was the worst podcast in the history of the Internet! And I don’t give a s*** that I'm banned from Blade’s new show! Go **** yourselves!
And another thing! You nerds better stop sending me tweets about me ****ing Gay Popeye! I'm a happily married man...well at least the "married" part is right!
Now, on to answering your ****ing questions!
Reed Stomuch asks: Jim. If you were in your car while the last Wrestlecrap Radio was being taped, then how did you actually see & commentate the ending?

After I hung up my new cell phone, I stole a leather jacket from a drunken hobo outside, took off my pants and told security at the door that I was Blade Braxton (I also colored my beard as you saw on TV)! Fortunately those dumb****s believed me and let me in! I got there just as it was ending and "BY GAWD" my announcing instincts kicked in as Blade super-kicked Deal! The Ratings Reaper saved me the trouble of giving those two b***hes one final slobberknocker!
Christian Ledger asks: I read on the Internet that you started yelling obscenities at school kids after experiencing technical difficulties during a talk at a High School? Is this true?

(R.V.M Kai’s edit: Jim! That wasn’t appropriate!)
Nicholas Slater asks: Jim, you wrote in your last mailbag that you gave Steve Austin the “Rattlesnake” name? In what other ways have you helped his career?

Also on the night of “King of The Ring 96”, Steve needed to come up with a catchphrase and asked me for one! I told him how about: “Austin 3:16 says to go **** yourself!” But he thought that idea wouldn’t sit well with Vince, so he changed some of the words! I still like mine better, but the sum b***h made a **** load of money with his, so what the **** do I know?!
Greg Diener asks: When do you think the last time with your wife was? Have you at least tried to have sex with your wife lately?

But there was that one time when she wanted me to wear a paper bag on my head and talk in a raspy voice! I told her to go **** herself...and she did that instead...again!!
"Satan" asks: Jim! The dark lord wants to possess your soul for an evil favor…….Would you be able to fix my ceiling? There’s been a leak in it for weeks & the man still hasn’t come around to fix it. Thanks Jim, and worship the devil!

CenasWordLife asks: You, Gay Jim?

To view previous Mailbags go here. To send Angry Jim a REAL question or complaint (but not spam concerning penis enlargements...which Jim doesn't need apparently) you can Tweet him here.
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